Hawth Fees

  • Recreational and Preschool fees are payable once per school term.

  • Squad fees are paid monthly, and vary depending on how many hours a gymnast is training per week. The current squad fees can be found HERE

  • The current rate (as of April 2025) for recreational Gymnastics at Hawth is £14.00 per 55 minute recreational lesson and £11.20 for a 45 minute independent preschool lesson (£10.50 for under 3s who are accompanied by a parent)

Membership & Insurance (2025)

All gymnasts are required to purchase insurance of British Gymnastics. This is paid on joining, there are various levels of insurance depending on your child’s class.

Hawth memberships is paid on joining and renewed at the start of the year (included with the Spring Term Fees) - the price reduces for those who join later in the year.

Full cost is £18/child for a Recreational Gymnast and £15/child for a preschooler.

Those who join after the Easter Holidays will pay £15 for a Recreational Gymnast and £12 for a Preschooler.

Those who join after the Summer Holidays will pay £11 for a Recreational Gymnast and £9 for a Preschooler.

Squad Gymnasts will pay £30 Hawth Memberships per year - this is paid in January.

Summer 2025 Fees - Due 04/04/2025

Please press the button below to see the fees for your child(ren)’s classes.

The definitions below will help you select what is relevant to you.

  • Recreational: School age children who attend 55min classes

  • Independent Preschool: Children aged 3 - 4 who attend 45min classes WITHOUT an adult in the class

  • Adult & Child: Children under 3 who attend 45min classes WITH an adult in the class, this includes Fun for Baby Classes

2025 Payment & Invoice Dates

February Holiday Club on Sale                 13/01/2025
Easter Holiday Club on Sale                      03/03/2025
Summer Term Fees Email                            10/03/2025
Summer Term Fees Reminder                     31/03/2025
Summer Term Fees Due                               04/04/2025

 May Holiday Club on Sale                         28/04/2025
Summer Holiday Club on Sale                   09/06/2025
Autumn Term Fees Email                             30/06/2025             
Autumn Term Fees Reminder                      14/07/2025
Autumn Term Fees Due                                17/07/2025

October Holiday Club on Sale                  08/09/2025
Spring (2026) Fees Email                           24/11/2025
Spring (2026) Fees Reminder                    15/12/2025
Spring (2026) Fees Due                             19/12/2025