Private Sessions

Sundays. 4pm - 5pm & 5pm - 6pm

• £50 per hour (cash only)

• Can be shared by two gymnasts of a similar level (coaches’ discretion)

• Open to all gymnasts, including those not at Hawth – but this is at the coaches’ discretion.

•Coaches are Amber (TeamGym L5), Chris (TeamGym L5), Warren (TeamGym L4) and Amy (TeamGym L3)

Open TeamGym Sessions (“Send it Sunday”)

  • Sunday 18:00 - 20:00

  • Open to TeamGym SQUAD GYMNASTS from Hawth or other clubs (if personal coaches are in agreement)

  • For gymnasts born in 2015 or before.

  • Coached by two TeamGym coaches. With at least one HPC (triples licenced) present.

  • Will run on two Sundays (usually the 2nd and 4th Sunday) of every month - unless this clashes with a competition or event.

  • Dates for the second quarter of 2025 are as follows:

    • 13th April

    • 27th April

    • 25th May

    • 8th June

    • 22nd June

  • No need to book - you can just turn up! - but if you have not attended before and you are from a different club - please email beforehand.